Discover the project
Build knowledge with multi generational relationships in the framework of post-secondary research and university work.


For the specificity of the three age groups involved in this project has been considered appropriate to formulate specific goals for each of these groups.
For Generation Junior: 
  • Enlarge the chance to explore fields of knowledge in the context of a school would not be possible.
  • Having support from people who possibly because of its unavailability, can provide support at different stages of the work.
  • Assess the knowledge and experiences of people of other generations.
  • Learn broader forms of socialization and complex as the relationship between different generations.
  • Analyze social discourses related attributions and stereotypes that link especially for reasons of age.
  • Discover the interest and sense of learning throughout life watching the attitudes of people who guide them.
  • Understand that learning is not always Preparatory to the profession or other training stages but produces satisfaction and sense by itself.
For the Senior Generation:
  • Extend the experience and individual age group.
  • Keeping the interest and value of own knowledge updating and expanding it.
  • Giving value to the personal trajectory that has the meaning of past, present and future personal and social.
  • Stabilize and improve the attitude and motivation to participate in the measure that has personal meaning.
  • Encouraging active aging process considered as a whole person: physical, mental, emotional, attitudinal, cognitive and social development.
  • Improving the physical and psychological health of this generation.
  • Know, understand and establish links with other age groups (generations) and  overcoming stereotypes linked to other generations. 
Generations Intermediate: 

It refers to teachers and professionals in the community in one way or another are responsible for the training of young generations in both general skills and    the opportunities for them to join the professional level.
These generations are often very committed every day can have the support of   the senior generation which enables them to support their educational and professional obligations.

This support helps:
  • Sharing knowledge to optimize the experience of the senior group.
  • Provide resources to track specific research or as required academic or  professional.
  • Improving teaching practice from multigenerational exchanges.
  • Full knowledge of the relationship with reality.
  • Participate in the context of specialization linked to the professional world of work
Specific objectives for each agency: 

Any action that is done with the involvement of different generations strengthens community ties and improves relations between groups making it possible to improve social cohesion. A community that provides opportunities to all people is a community committed to living and welfare of all citizens away from stereotypes and marginalized sectors of the population. In this respect a great responsibility falls to a greater extent social and agencies responsible for the  formation of the new generations in particular the education system, institutions and companies involved in training in the last stages prior to employment.
For the educational system and training institutions: 

Sharing knowledge derived from many different experiences and extend them as far as possible.
Overcoming stereotypes and inadequate changing powers with a positive cooperation with the incorporation of experiences of people who at some point have been linked to various fields and professional practices.
Promote multigenerational relationships
Demonstrate knowledge and capital of the senior generations in order to optimize and enhance the training of people throughout life.
Improve community cohesion at a time when the elderly of the community can participate and intervene in the educational process especially in periods in which the professional knowledge and experience of the senior generation can be applied.
For the social context: 

Reinforce the positive relationship between the generations through mutual understanding to influence the reduction of stereotypes and prejudices on grounds of age.
Increasing cultural capital through lifelong learning from the senior generation to participate in collaborative knowledge building.
Facilitate social participation of the senior generation which affects the individual and collective wellbeing offering opportunities for interaction and involvement.
A stimulus for innovation in schools.
Influence the communication between the different members of the community,  teachers, neighbors, professionals, students.
Be agency change through the transformation of multigenerational relationships.

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