It shows the topics of which we have Seniors willing to become mentors in the research work.
Since the subject is very broad to be able to have knowledge of everything, it is specified in what aspects this knowledge is in a way that allows us to specify and focus the work to be done.
As there are people with other knowledge will be incorporated in the corresponding section.


Considering the complexity of this field of knowledge people mentors offer their knowledge and experience in areas that can foster a more concrete and simultaneously guide the demands for students who obviously have a very broad and generic or too specific. It is based on the following aspects that can accompany to deepen their research.


The Thermography is a technique to measure the exact temperature and distance without being in contact with the object to be studied.  

Environmental management

Treatment is so complex that it requires not faced all that entails or Environmental Management System (EMS) as a structured management system, integrated into the total management activities of the organization, which includes organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources to develop, implement, carry out, manage and update the commitments on environmental protection (environmental policy). 

Energy and climate change

The energy model is one of the key aspects of the debate on important environmental and territorial implications that has become a responsibility to address the challenge represented by the need for local action against global phenomenon of climate change. 

Hª Scientific and Technical:

Of the history of science and technology to understand the evolution and technological discoveries and processes to be followed before reaching the availability of instruments and current developments. It is also important to know the relationship they have had throughout history with other aspects of culture, society, politics, relationships and ideologies of each period.  

Knowledge of the mountains: 
 the knowledge of the mountains provides an analysis not only of the name of geographical or relief in each territory but understand its evolution, use and importance for the life of the people who live there.

Chemical sciences:

Chemistry is the branch of physics that studies the composition, structure, and properties of matter and the changes that it experiences during chemical reactions. The etymology of the chemical word comes from Latin low chimia, from Arabic kīmiyã', "philosopher stone", and this one, probably from Greek Khymeia "mixture of juices." The ubiquity of chemistry in natural sciences makes it considered as one of the basic sciences. Chemistry is of importance in many fields of knowledge, such as materials science, biology, pharmacy, medicine, geology, engineering and astronomy, among others.
Natural processes studied by chemistry involve fundamental particles (electrons, protons and neutrons), composite particles (atomic nuclei, atoms and molecules) or microscopic structures such as crystals and surfaces. As examples of chemical reactions there are:
The formation of molecules or ions from the collision of two atoms.
Fragmentation, ionization or change of structure of a molecule after being irradiated with light.
The absorption of an atom or molecule on a surface.
The flow of electrons between two solids in contact.
The structural change in a protein against the appropriate stimulus.


Engineering is the practical application of science and technology.  Engineering uses knowledge of mathematics, natural sciences, and other sciences, obtained through study, experience and practice, are applied critically and with awareness to the development of means for Use economically with social responsibility and based on professional ethics, materials and forces of nature for the benefit of humanity. The people who dedicate themselves to it receive the name of engineers.
The American Engineers' Council for Professional Development (ECPD, the predecessor of ABET) defines "engineering" as:
«The creative application of the scientific principles to design or develop structures, machines, devices, or manufacturing processes, or works that use them alone or in combination, or to build or operate them with full knowledge of their design; or to predict their behavior under specific operating conditions; all regarding the claimed function, the economics of the operation and the integrity of life and property. »
In the studies from the point of view of engineering, some methods are not valid for scientists, since they seek to obtain real results, and approaches, assessments based on the experience and applications of various methods can be allowed and knowledge (scientific, experimental, etc.). The orders of magnitude, for example, and the question and answer approach, are very important, since the objective is not to achieve the largest number of decimal numbers of a result but a solution to a real problem not considered scientifically, and which can be answered, for example, a "yes".


A telecommunication is all transmission and reception of signals of any nature, typically electromagnetic, containing signs, sounds, images or, in short, any type of information that is desired to communicate at a certain distance.1

By metonymy, it is also called telecommunication (or telecommunications, indistinctly) note 1 to the discipline that studies, designs, develops and exploits those systems that allow such communications; similarly, telecommunications engineering solves the technical problems associated with this discipline.

Telecommunications is a basic infrastructure of the current context. The ability to communicate any military or political order almost instantaneously has been radical in many historical events of the Contemporary Age - the first modern telecommunication system appears during the French Revolution. But in addition, telecommunications is nowadays a very important social and economic factor. Thus, these technologies acquire importance as their usefulness in concepts of globalization or the information and knowledge society; which is complemented by the importance of the same in any type of mercantile, financial, stock market or business activity. The mass media also use telecommunications to share content to the public, which is of great importance when it comes to understanding the concept of mass society.

Telecommunication includes many technologies such as radio, television, telephone and mobile telephony, data communications, computer networks or the Internet. Many of these technologies, which were born to satisfy military or scientific needs, have converged in others focused on a non-specialized consumption called information and communication technologies, of great importance in the daily life of people, companies or institutions state and political.


Although the simplistic conception of Telematics is usually used as the mere application of telecommunications and information technology over the transmission of long distance information, Telematics actually includes a broader field and encompasses the study, design, management and application of communications networks and services, for the transport, storage and processing of any type of information (data, voice, video, etc.), including the following plans:

* The user plan, where the information is distributed and processed between end-user applications

* The signaling and control plan, where the control information of the same system is distributed and processed, and its interaction with the users.

* The management plan, where the operation and management information and services are distributed and processed.

Each of these plans is structured in subsystems called protocol entities, which in turn are located according to their functionality at various levels. These levels are groupings of functionality, and according to the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), they consist of: physical level, level of connection, level of network, level of transport, level of session, level of presentation and level of application.


Mathematics or mathematics1 (from Latin mathematĭca, and from Greek μαθηματικά, derived from μάθημα, 'knowledge') is the study of the properties and relationships between abstract entities such as numbers, geometric figures or symbols.

Mathematics is actually a set of formal languages that can be used as a tool to raise problems unambiguously in specific contexts. For example, the following statement can be said in two ways: X is greater than Y and Y is greater than Z, or simplified form we can say that X> Y> Z. This is the reason why mathematics are just a language Simplified with a tool for each specific problem (for example 2 + 2 = 4).

The natural sciences have changed the extensive use of mathematics to explain various observable phenomena, as Eugene Paul Wigner (Nobel Prize in physics in 1963) said: 2

The enormous utility of mathematics in the natural sciences is something that clears the mysterious, and there is no explanation for it. It is not at all natural that there are "laws of nature", and much less that man is able to discover them. The miracle of what is appropriate is the language of mathematics for formulating the laws of physics is a wonderful gift that we do not understand or deserve.

Through abstraction and the use of logic in reasoning, mathematics has evolved based on accounts, calculus and measurements, together with the systematic study of the form and movement of physical objects. Mathematics, from the beginning, have had a practical purpose.

The explanations that were based on logic first appeared with Hellenic mathematics, especially with Elements of Euclid. Mathematics continued to develop, with continuous interruptions, until in the Renaissance mathematical innovations interacted with the new scientific discoveries. As a consequence, there was an acceleration in the investigation that continues to the present day.

Nowadays, maths are used throughout the world as an essential tool in many fields, including natural sciences, engineering, medicine and the social sciences, and even disciplines that are apparently unrelated to she, like music (for example, in matters of harmonic resonance). Applied mathematics, a branch of mathematics aimed at the application of mathematical knowledge to other fields, inspires and makes use of new mathematical discoveries and, occasionally, leads to the development of new disciplines. Mathematicians also participate in pure mathematics, without considering the application of this science, although the practical applications of pure mathematics are often discovered over time.


Physics (from Greek φυσικός (phusikos), 'natural' and φύσις (phusis), 'nature') is the science that studies nature in its broadest sense, taking care of the behavior of matter and energy, and of the fundamental forces of nature that govern interactions between particles. It was called natural philosophy until the end of the 19th century. Physicists study a broad spectrum of physical phenomena: from subatomic particles, which form ordinary matter (particle physics), to the universe as a whole (cosmology).

The discoveries of physics are applied in all other natural sciences, since matter and energy are the basic components of the natural world. Some of the properties studied in physics are common to all material systems, such as the conservation of energy. These properties are often called physical laws. Sometimes it has been said that physics is the fundamental science, because other sciences (biology, chemistry, geology, etc.) deal with certain types of material systems that obey the laws of physics. For example, chemistry is the science of the molecules and the chemical compounds that these form in large quantities. The properties of the chemical components are determined by the properties of the molecules, which are accurately described by different areas of physics such as quantum mechanics, thermodynamics and electromagnetism.

Physics is closely related to mathematics. Mathematics provides physics with the necessary language and tools to obtain a precise (quantitative) formulation of the physical laws and phenomena involved. This, in turn, makes it possible to verify (or rule out) the experimentally predicted results.

Physical theories are almost always expressed in the form of mathematical relationships, and the mathematics required is often more complicated than in other sciences. A basic difference between physics and mathematics is that physics deals ultimately with the descriptions of the material world, while mathematics deals with abstractions that do not depend on it. It may be said that the distinction is not always obvious: there is a great deal of half-way research between physics and mathematics, known as mathematical physics, dedicated to developing the mathematical structure of physical theories. However, this union between mathematics and physics hides a very surprising aspect, and is that physics also makes its contributions to mathematics.


GeoGebra is an interactive free program that combines geometry, algebra and calculation. Its use is primarily educational at both primary and secondary school or university. GeoGebra is a dynamic geometry software. The geometric constructions (points, vectors, segments, straight lines, polygons, conical sections, functions ...) made with this program can be dynamically changed later. The elements can be entered and modified directly on the screen, or by means of the command line; In addition, GeoGebra has the ability to assign variables to numbers, vectors and points, can calculate derivatives and integrals of functions in symbolic form and has a complete and advanced set of mathematical and statistical controls incorporated.

GeoGebra can not only be used in the classical way to make constructions or draw graphics, but also to make conjectures and carry out investigations.

Energy Engineering:

You will acquire a clear vision of energy: efficiency, savings, management, generation, elements and energy market. You will be trained in energy resources; energy storage, energy management, energy sector management; energy integration, generation, transport and distribution of energy, and control of energy systems. You will learn to analyze the criteria of sustainability, global efficiency and professional ethics that should allow individuals, companies and institutions to implement energy saving policies and rationality in the use of energy. You will also know in depth, in addition to conventional energy, renewable energy: wind, solar, thermal, photovoltaic, biomass, geothermal, mini hydraulic, biogas, biofuels, hydrogen or fuel cells, among others.

Philosophy and Science:

Scientific philosophy implies a cognitive system whose parts coincide, or are compatible, with the various branches of experimental science. The philosophical knowledge of the past has been restricted as science grew and strengthened, leaving, however, the possibility of integrating all existing knowledge in the form used by the makers of the ancient philosophical systems.
The synthesis of knowledge is essential, since there is an important difference between knowing and understanding, provided that we assign to the word “know” the simple availability of partial information, while assigning the word “understand” to the integration of all knowledge under an organized synthesis, or cognitive system.

Multimedia communication:

It might seem quite imprecise to understand that multimedia communication refers to any form of communication that uses digitally stored information. This explanation would leave out many environments that, through an integration of information of diverse nature, were created long before the concept as such was invented. Imagine the possible explanations of Galileo when studying the problem of falling bodies, or more broadly, think of one of the schools devised by Comenius in the seventeenth century, based on the premise of educating for the acquisition of useful knowledge. Textual, visual and sound components, unlimited languages already made an appearance and showed the richness of elements, although yes, they still did not make explicit the full potential of their combinations.


Computer science, also called computing, is a science that studies methods, techniques, processes, in order to store, process and transmit information and data in digital format. Computer science, which has developed rapidly since the second half of the twentieth century with the emergence of technologies such as the integrated circuit, the internet and the mobile phone is the branch of technology that studies the automatic processing of information. uality control:

Quality control

is the set of mechanisms, actions and tools performed to detect the presence of errors.
The main function of quality control is to ensure that the products or services meet the minimum quality requirements. It exists primarily as a service organization, to know the specifications established by the product engineering and provide assistance to the manufacturing department, so that the production reaches these specifications. As such, the function consists of collecting and analyzing large amounts of data that are then presented to different departments to initiate adequate corrective action. Any product that does not meet the minimum characteristics to say that it is correct, will be eliminated, without being able to correct the possible manufacturing defects that could avoid these added costs and waste of material.
To control the quality of a product, inspections or sampling tests are carried out to verify that its characteristics are optimal. The only drawback of these tests is the expense involved in the control of each manufactured product, since the defective ones are eliminated, without the possibility of reusing it.

The ecology:

It is the branch of biology that studies the relationships of different living beings with each other and with their environment. It studies how these interactions between organisms and their environment affect properties such as distribution or abundance. The environment includes physical and chemical properties that can be described as the sum of local abiotic factors, such as climate and geology, and other organisms that share that habitat (biotic factors). Ecosystems are composed of parts that interact dynamically with each other together with organisms, the communities they integrate, and also the non-living components of their environment. The integrative vision of ecology raises the scientific study of the processes that influence the distribution and abundance of organisms as well as the interactions between organisms and the transformation of energy flows.
Ecology is an interdisciplinary field that includes biology and Earth sciences.

Ecologists try to explain:

• Life processes, interactions and adaptations

• The movement of materials and energy through living communities

• The successional development of ecosystems

• The abundance and distribution of organisms and biodiversity in the context of the environment.

There are many practical applications of ecology in conservation biology, wetland management, natural resource management), city planning (urban ecology), community health, economics, applied basic science, and social interaction human (human ecology). Organisms (including humans) and resources make up the ecosystems that, in turn, maintain biophysical feedback mechanisms are components of the planet that moderate the processes that act on life (biotic) and non-living (abiotic). Ecosystems support functions that sustain life and produce natural capital such as biomass production (food, fuels, fibers and medicines), global biogeochemical cycles, water filtration, soil formation, erosion control, protection against floods and many other natural elements of scientific, historical or economic interest.


It is a biological system constituted by a community of living organisms and the physical environment where they interact. It is a unit composed of interdependent organisms that share the same habitat. Ecosystems usually form a series of chains that show the interdependence of organisms within the system.

Women and science:

Discrimination against women in the world of science:

See also engineering, biosciences,