It shows the topics of which we have Seniors willing to become mentors in the research work.
Since the subject is very broad to be able to have knowledge of everything, it is specified in what aspects this knowledge is in a way that allows us to specify and focus the work to be done.
As there are people with other knowledge will be incorporated in the corresponding section.


Considering the complexity of this field of knowledge people mentors offer their knowledge and experience in areas that can foster a more concrete and simultaneously guide the demands for students who obviously have a very broad and generic or too punctual .. It is based on the following aspects that can accompany to deepen their research.

Heritage and public art and political art history and music:

Assess and have knowledge of the artistic heritage of the community is an important element to consider what belongs to us, as people of the place and time as world heritage.


In the study of the artistic heritage can take a look and deepen preserved for many years to understand some interesting stages but very distant.

Gaudi and the Modernims

The Modernisme is a corrent that sorgeix to Europe i that to Catalunya in tea uns of its màxims representants: Antoni Gaudí. 

Hª social history:

 Can be analyzed from the events, wars or their involvement in society. This is a very new look and often unknown.

Nineteenth-century women's literature: 

Literature is often known from an approach that excludes women. This proposal takes a comprehensive look more visible and especially the role of women writers who had to change his name to be published.  


It is often given more information on the history distant from the one we know from the proximity that has influenced and changed where we live, the fact that there are still witnesses and recent information provides a strong clear how are the result of historical events that have happened recently tems. In this regard there are different things we get closer:

Franco: As determined, influence, and what situations are still current stage in which lived the dictatorship.

Civil war: Facts, places and protagonists of a war that has marked us very close and still mark the attitudes of many people.

Oral sources: The value of being able to hear from people who have experienced directly the facts and not just books. Being able to have people who have experienced personally provides information that can not receive it through written documents. Attitudes, feelings, perceptions, experiences are very important and valuable sources for understanding history.

Bibliographical sources documentaries Local:
 Libraries and study centers offer a lot of information from the past and propers.Sovint longer have been able to receive documents from people who are linked to the town and have rich opportunities to have wider and linked this information the context.

Republican deportation

Contemporary history of Catalonia:

· Immigration: migratory movements, networks of urban social integration, (investigations in parochial and municipal archives)
· Popular associations: recreational, cultural, cooperative, welfare.
· Daily life: leisure as an element of integration and social differentiation. Funeral rituals.
· Social conflict: Bullangues in Barcelona. The organized labor movement.

Contemporary art:

Contemporary art is the art of today, produced in the late 20th century or in the 21st century. Contemporary artists work in a globally influenced, culturally diverse, and technologically advancing world. Their art is a dynamic combination of materials, methods, concepts, and subjects that challenge traditional boundaries and defy easy definition. Diverse and eclectic, contemporary art as a whole is distinguished by the very lack of a uniform, organising principle, ideology, or ‘ism.’ Contemporary art is part of a cultural dialogue that concerns larger contextual frameworks such as personal and cultural identity, family, community, and nationality.

Art history:

The History of Art is a discipline of the social sciences that studies the evolution of art through time and bases his studies on the analysis of the artistic expressions of man and how he has represented his particular vision of the world that surrounds him through the different techniques and artistic manifestations in each of the historical periods.
The History of art relies on other complementary disciplines such as Archeology, Anthropology, Geology and History among other sciences to corroborate more accurately the data it collects; from the furniture and real estate left by man and with which he represented the need for visual expression of his environment and history; either with decorative intention, functional or also used as propaganda or religious worship, as well as carried by the need to perpetuate the history of its civilization leaving the mark of its existence.

Universal history:

The object of study of history are human societies, their achievements and projects. That is why it has been defined as "the science of men in time". It studies the past of humanity and makes it possible to know how the different societies were organized, how institutions, language, thought, artistic and technical manifestations, and social, affective and economic relations were born and developed. For this reason it is considered a social science.
History does not simply deal with the past but asks the past what interests the present. That is why every era made history different questions. Historians once worried about political events and the great heroes or men of their time.
At present, not only political issues or the life of great characters, but also economic, social, cultural, religious, artistic, etc. are studied. Today, historians are concerned with discovering how the sectors that made up the societies of the period they studied lived, how their daily lives were, what the situation of women was or economic relations


This field of knowledge not only focuses on the study of the most significant and have contributed their thoughts on philosophy but also implies that philosophical thinking as a basis for structuring thought from the study of a variety of issues such as fundamental problems of existence, knowledge, truth, moral beauty, mind and language and provides rational arguments and arguments provided by analysis of concepts.

Women's Theory:

Although a hundred years ago, in the turn of the century, there was no public debate about the nineteenth century as a stage of advancement of women, despite these first emancipatory manifestations; It is undeniable that the twentieth century did bring great progress to these, opening the doors to a historiographical debate about its social, economic and political role. The struggle to achieve political, legal and economic equality of women was one of the great experiences of the last century.

History of the family in the XVII-XIX centuries in Catalonia.

An analysis is made of the changes and processes that have taken place during these centuries in order to better understand the repercussions they have had on social and cultural progress. It helps to make interpretations without knowledge.

Cultural anthropology

is the branch of anthropology that studies the human being as a cultural entity, understanding as a culture everything that the person does about nature: tools, trades, practices, clothing, houses, religions, music, social relations, etc. [1] Mainly it tries to explain the causes of the style of life of the humans, its changes and stagnations in the cultures of all the times. You can help other branches of anthropology to increase the quality of the conclusions of your research. Some authors consider that cultural anthropology is synonymous with the social one whereas others differentiate them. Among those whose differences group them with the term "sociocultural anthropology"

Poetry, in art in general, is a way of using any artistic language in actions, situations or objects that inspire sensations, states, beauty, new points of view or new relationships between concepts. Thus, without thematic specificity, the poetic one of a language or a work of art has to do with the synthesis and the association. Some tools may be the metaphor, that is, the expression that implies a comparison between terms that are naturally suggested to each other, or between which the artist finds subtle affinities, and the image, words that rhetoric traditional. The image is the construction of a new semantic reality through meanings that altogether suggest an univocal and at the same time different meaning. World Poetry Day is March 21st.
In the specific case of literature, [1] it is the art of expressing, in words, its own spiritual content, traditionally by means of words arranged according to the metric. Popular poetry is the poetry created by the people to express their identity, with elementary and permanent experiences in which they are recognized as a people. It can be framed as a "textual mode" - that is to say, as if it were a type of written text. [2] The collection of different poems or poems is called a poemario.
Poetry is also called a work in verse. We can distinguish the works written in verse; and the poetic works set of a poet, or of different poets, produced at a time, a given language, a genre, etc. Poetry is called form content, or the beautiful form of a literary work. Traditionally, there are three poetic genres: epic, lyrical and dramatic.

Deepen into the poetry of authors who are very interested in me and on which I have done work: Jacint Verdaguer, Lluís Solà i Sala, Segimon Serrallonga, Pilar Cabot, Joan Vinyoli i J.V. Foix.

The Greco-Roman world, Greco-Roman culture, Greco-Roman term

When used as an adjective, as scholars and writers understand modern, it refers to the geographical regions and countries that were culturally (and also historically) directly, prolonged and intimately influenced by the language, culture, government and religion of the ancient Greeks and Romans. In exact terms of the area it refers to the "Mediterranean world", the large tracts of land centered on the Mediterranean and Black Sea basins, the "pool and spa" of the Greeks and Romans, that is, one where their perceptions cultural, ideas and sensibilities were dominant.
The term Greco-Roman world describes those regions that were for many generations under the rule of the Greeks and Romans and thus accepted, or finally were forced to embrace them as their teachers and professors. This process was favored by the seemingly universal adoption of Greek as the language of intellectual culture and less of Eastern trade, and of Latinas a language for public administration and forensic defense, especially in the West (from the point of view of the Mediterranean Sea). Although these languages never became the native languages of the peasants (the vast majority of the population), they were the languages of city dwellers and cosmopolitan elites, and at least intelligible (see lingua franca), although only as corrupt or multiple dialects to those who lived in large territories and populations outside the settlements of Macedonia and the Roman colonies.

A classical language is a language with a literature that is classical. According to Berkeley, a classical language "should be ancient, it should be an independent tradition that arose mostly on its own, not as an offshoot of another tradition, and it must have a large and extremely rich body of ancient literature."
Classical languages are typically dead languages , or show a high degree of diglossia as the spoken varieties of the language diverge further away from the classical written language over time.

Human prehistory:

is the period between the use of the first stone tools c. 3.3 million years ago by hominins and the invention of writing systems. The earliest writing systems appeared c. 5,300 years ago, but it took thousands of years for writing to be widely adopted, and it was not used in some human cultures until the 19th century or even until the present. The end of prehistory therefore came at very different dates in different places, and the term is less often used in discussing societies where prehistory ended relatively recently.

By definition there are no written records from human prehistory, so dating of prehistoric materials is crucial. Clear techniques for dating were not well-developed until the 19th century.
This article is concerned with human prehistory, the time since behaviorally and anatomically modern humans first appeared until the beginning of recorded history. Earlier periods are also called "prehistoric"; there are separate articles for the overall history of the Earth and the history of life before humans.

Art of the Mighty, Art of the Fighters:

Throughout history, political struggles have served as art as an instrument of ideological propaganda, both from the need to justify and broaden their power, by those who detected it, and from the point of view of those who they fought for it and they fought for a new world. From the Egyptian pyramids to ancient times to the different artistic forms of the twentieth century convulsion (socialist realism, fascist totalitarianisms, posters of the Spanish Civil War, to give just a few examples), reading and analyzing these works is one exciting exercise of the influence of art on the collective imagination.

The ancient age or antiquity is the period of history between the birth of writing and the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476, which marks the beginning of the Middle Ages. It is, therefore, the first properly historical period. The development varies greatly depending on the region studied, but broadly it can be characterized as the era of social specialization, the birth of most current sciences and arts and a huge population expansion that led to create great empires. We must not forget that on the same dates one people can still live in prehistory (or protohistory) and another has evolved a lot. The most abundant political regime is the monarchy. Trade arose as such, with the advent of currency and the great routes of exchange.

The history of the contemporary era describes a certain perspective on modern history. The term "contemporary history" has been in use since at least the 19th century.1 In the broader context of its use, contemporary history is that part of history still alive in memory. Based on human life, contemporary history would span a period of approximately 80 years. Obviously, this concept changes in absolute terms as generations go by. In a narrower sense, "contemporary history" can refer to the history remembered by most living adults, spanning close to one generation. Since the median age of people living on Earth is 30 years from now (2020), about half of the people living today were born before 1990. From the perspective of the 2010s, therefore, contemporary history can include the period since the mid-20th century, including the postwar period and the Cold War and almost always including the period around 1985 to present the one that it is within the memory of most living people.